
Need a reliable freelance writer to subcontract random or regular work to?  

 I love being a freelance writing subcontractor.  That two or three degrees of separation – you deal with all the client contact stuff, then tell me what you need done, and I go off and write it, edit it, proof it, create it.  Whatever needs doing.  I send it back, on time, ready for you to send to the client.


So what can I get a subcontractor to write for me?  

  • Website content
  • Editing and  proofreading
  • Blogs
  • Brochures
  • Manuals
  • Assessment materials

I love a challenge, and I’ve subcontracted in industries covering everything from finance, credit cards, loans, recruitment, marketing, trades, beauty, cosmetic surgery, product descriptions.  Due to confidentiality agreements with many of my clients, I can’t give away any names or details, but you can check out my portfolio with other work,  testimonials from happy clients, or email me for samples if you want to see what I’ve done.

How much does subcontracting cost?

The long and short answer is it depends.  I usually work on project rates, and these will vary depending on the nature of the work, the time it will take, how much research is needed and whether you need a polished final piece, or just a first draft to get you started.

 If you’re taking on a big project with a plan to subcontracting out work, a handy calculation might look like: 

  • Your time – setting up the project, managing the various contractors, client contact time, editing/revisions, putting it all together x your hourly rate
  • Expenses + overheads (add up all your yearly costs/52 to get an average of the weekly expenses of running your business
  • Subcontractor costs  – hourly rate x number of hours the work will take 

= Total project cost  

Your customers are already looking for you on Google – can they find you? and what do they find on your website when they do?

 How can a subcontractor save me money?

Have you ever spent a day fluffing around, avoiding doing some part of the job that you just hate?  That’s costing you money.  On a job that should take 8 hours, if you lose a day, you’ve just halved your hourly rate.

Having been on the other side and employed my own subcontractors – the benefits of having someone else step in and do the bits you don’t want to, or don’t have time for, it priceless.  It also frees you up to take on more work that you do enjoy.

Imagine a client wants a website written.  It’s not your usual field of expertise, so you spend three days learning about the differences between H1’s, Alt-tags and meta descriptions before you’ve even written a word.   And then you don’t take on another website for 6 months, so all that learning goes out the window.  Subcontracting takes away that frustration and steep learning curve and gives you back your time and sanity. 

Top subcontracting tips

  1. Subcontract to an expert – they can do the work in half the time it would take you to learn how to do it
  2. Find subcontractors you trust – if you’re not sure, ask for recommendations (need a graphic designer? web developer? bookkeeper? – freelancers build a community based on trusted referrals)
  3. Get it in writing – clear communication is essential to make sure everyone is clear on the brief and deliverables.

Want to work together? I’d love to chat about how I can help you with any upcoming projects – get in touch today.   

 Get in touch today for a free quote and see how I can help your business as an affordable and reliable writing subcontractor.

 Want to work for me as a subcontractor?  I’m always on the lookout for reliable, expert copywriters to join my team – get in touch today and tell me a bit about yourself.


Tanya Abdul Jalil
Tanya Abdul Jalil


Education and Training Copywriter servicing the northern suburbs of Melbourne with Marketing strategies, SEO websites and Copywriting.