Four books that inspired my career change

Four books that inspired my career change

by | Oct 20, 2017 | Career change, career goals, career planning

Changing careers is not something that is usually done overnight. There is often a gradual awakening and increased awareness that we’ve been living in a bit of bubble. So often, we set out on the path towards a particular career, gaining our qualifications, getting a job, working towards our goals. And then, one day, we start to see that there is more out there. We start to yearn for the ‘other’ – and questioning – what if there is a different way of working? What if there is a better way of living?
For me, I made my first major career change after being a teacher for almost five years. After moving into a corporate role, I happily plodded along on my safe career track again, until having children.
As a lifelong reader, I love how books can literally change your life, and change the way you think. These are some of my favourites that inspired me to take the leap to a new career that was more family friendly for my kids and gave me new creativity and passion for my life at the same time.



Daring Greatly – Brene Brown

A strong and passionate manifesto to living your best life, Brene Brown calls everyone to ditch the perfectionist ideals and stop holding back from showing people your real self. By allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, to really feel and show emotion and use our vulnerability as a strength, not as a weakness, we allow ourselves to grow.

This is one book that I keep coming back to, again and again, and each time I gain a new insight into myself, and the way people around me work as well.  It also makes the perfect gift for new parents, career changers and graduates starting out in their field.






Big Magic – Elizabeth Gilbert
This book has become the new self-help classic, but with good reason. It’s an inspiring read and brings the same deep insights that made us all fall in love with Eat, Pray Love. In Big Magic, the ideas of what is inspiration? how can we use inspiration and creativity in our everyday lives? and how can we get back to our passions, joys and the things we love to do, to live a richer and fuller life?.
If you’ve ever needed the motivation to add some more colour in your life, then this book is a great starting point.










The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**K – Sarah Knight
Ok, so the title is a bit click-baity, but this one is really worth the read. I first found Sarah Knight from her TEDx talk on YouTube, and it was the inspiration I needed to realise that I was not happy at work, and it was time to make some serious changes. So I’m not yet as successful as Sarah Knight, living on a beach, but I am much happier for prioritising my F**ks and giving my time and energy to the things that make me happiest.









[ctt template=”4″ link=”boj2z” via=”yes” nofollow=”yes”]\”Stop worrying about all the things you have to do, and start focussing on the things you want to do\”  – Sarah Knight[/ctt]

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari – Robin Sharma

career-guide-booksI was given a copy of this book by the Executive Director of our company at the time when I successfully gained a promotion. It was a touching gift, as it gave me both courage to step up to my new role, as well as insight to keep what is important at the forefront of all that I do at work.
Similar to The Alchemist by Paulo Choleo The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is a fable which tells of a spiritual journey from materialism to understanding true joy and love and embracing your creative self. The story takes readers on a journey to knowing our true selves, valuing the time we have, cultivating strong relationships and most importantly, to live our fullest lives.





What do you think? Can a book change your life? Have you ever made a big decision like a career change after reading something inspiring? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear about it.


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