If 2020 gave us a gift, the ability to work from home in our leisurewear is surely up there. If the thought of heading back into the germ-laden world, a hectic daily commute, and squeezing back into your corporate uniform have you searching the job ads for remote...
quitting work

10 things you can do while waiting for your career change to happen
by Tanya | career goals, career planning, quitting work
Are you sick of setting resolutions every year, and it gets to mid-year, and you realise your dreams are still just that? Maybe you're plugging away at your study, burning the midnight oil and the candle at both ends, but the end seems so far away? Maybe you're on...
Leaving a job I love
by Tanya | Career change, quitting work, Uncategorized, work life balance
About a month ago, I quit my job. It wasn't a fiery walk out or anything, but there were a lot of tears and sadness. I'd been there for almost 10 years, and they really were like my family in many ways. The sadness was partly because I felt it was unavoidable. I have...

Welcome to the blog!
I’m Tanya Abdul Jalil – Brand Voice Coach and Brand Strategist. This blog has a bit of everything – from fresh advice on creating your personal brand for Course Creators to a virtual old filing cabinet of bits I can’t bear to throw away. Have a dig around – explore some of the blogs and let me know what you think!
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