If 2020 gave us a gift, the ability to work from home in our leisurewear is surely up there. If the thought of heading back into the germ-laden world, a hectic daily commute, and squeezing back into your corporate uniform have you searching the job ads for remote...
work from home
5 little habits that help me work from home more productively
by Tanya | Business Tips, work from home
And still get time to put the washing out. In late 2017, I started working from home full time. For anyone who has made the journey from commute/office days/lunch breaks to working for yourself, you’ll know the struggle to actually get anything done. ...

Need some fast Christmas cash?
by Tanya | work life balance
We've rounded up 10 ways you can make extra money in your spare time There’s a feeling in the air – and it’s not just Christmas coming – it’s the sound of cash registers ringing all over the country. As we prepare for the silly season, it’s also a tough season for...
Stop self sacrificing your career dreams for your family
by Tanya | Career change, career goals, career planning, work life balance
It seems a bit silly when you think about whether someone deserves a career change. Of course you do. Everyone deserves to do a fulfilling job they love. But really, the fact is that many women struggle on in careers that no longer serve them. Or they sacrifice their status and years of career building for their families for lower level jobs that are more family friendly. And then, with children, and life and all that entails, they find themselves stuck.
Why my job share proposal didn’t work
by Tanya | career planning, Job Applications, Uncategorized, work life balance
And what you can learn from my mistakes. Several years ago, a colleague and I were both going on maternity leave at the same time. A managerial role had come up that we both wanted and had done before. Neither of us wanted to work full-time when we came back from...
Leaving a job I love
by Tanya | Career change, quitting work, Uncategorized, work life balance
About a month ago, I quit my job. It wasn't a fiery walk out or anything, but there were a lot of tears and sadness. I'd been there for almost 10 years, and they really were like my family in many ways. The sadness was partly because I felt it was unavoidable. I have...

Welcome to the blog!
I’m Tanya Abdul Jalil – Brand Voice Coach and Brand Strategist. This blog has a bit of everything – from fresh advice on creating your personal brand for Course Creators to a virtual old filing cabinet of bits I can’t bear to throw away. Have a dig around – explore some of the blogs and let me know what you think!
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