Having a current resume is extremely important, but even more necessary than improving yearly is to update it every time something changes. A résumé simply cannot stay static as long as we are continually changing and creating new memorable experiences. Updating your...
How to get the most out of a career coach
by Tanya | Uncategorized
How to get the most of a career coach? So, you’ve been struggling to get that promotion for quite a while now. You have almost done everything in the book to get that corner office. But, unfortunately you haven’t made it to the list. You have updated your LinkedIn...
Why you should invest in yourself and how
by Tanya | Uncategorized
Why and how you should invest in yourself? So, often in the rut of our daily lives, we ignore ourselves just not physically but also emotionally, mentally or professionally. As we grow-up and enter work-life or married-life, our focus of attention shifts either to...

Welcome to the blog!
I’m Tanya Abdul Jalil – Brand Voice Coach and Brand Strategist. This blog has a bit of everything – from fresh advice on creating your personal brand for Course Creators to a virtual old filing cabinet of bits I can’t bear to throw away. Have a dig around – explore some of the blogs and let me know what you think!
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